About Dr. Jxxn

I’m a naturopathic physician, bodyworker, personal trainer and chronic pain warrior. I worked as a personal trainer for 10 years before beginning the journey to become a naturopathic physician. I loved helping people become active and strong, but there were so many untouched areas of health I wished I could incorporate. Today my focus goes beyond moving the body to include more of the foundations of health, such as nutrition, hydration, sleep, stress management, and connection. There is nothing I am more passionate about than helping people optimize their health. 

My areas of medical focus include LGBTQIA2S+ and trans health, gender-affirming hormone care, integrative pelvic health, gynecological and reproductive health, hormone-replacement therapy, chronic pain, and integrative oncology. I'm currently training in aesthetics to offer a variety of services to people who seek treatment for increased self-esteem and greater confidence. I am body positive, sex positive, and kink affirming. I am committed to anti-racism, weight-neutrality, and trauma-informed care. 

I was raised in Oregon and Idaho. I earned my Bachelor of Arts at Idaho State University and then found my way back to Oregon in pursuit of my Master of Science at Portland State University. I graduated from the National University of Natural Medicine (NUNM) in 2021 with my Doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine. I completed the Integrative Pelvic Therapy certification program with Dr. Kathryn Kloos. 

I began experiencing chronic pain in my early 20’s and was told by medical doctors it was “in my head.”  I had mostly given up hope of any kind of treatment when I began a therapeutic relationship with a naturopathic physician in Oregon. It was the first time I felt heard and cared for by a medical professional, and I aim to make all my patients feel that way.  

I feel strongly people should be able to access queer and gender-diverse providers, and I’m grateful for the opportunity to represent and care for this under-served community, my under-served community. All genders, all bodies, all people are welcome and celebrated!

Some of my favorite things to do are weight training, dancing, and nurturing indoor plants. Yes, all of my plant babies have names. The time and attention they require is worth the sense I get of being right next to the beauty of nature, all the time. I deeply appreciate being alive every day and to be living this life with my soulmate and co-owner of Wild Heart Natural Medicine, Dr. Malina Montenegro. I invite you into our space - where you and I can collaborate to meet your health goals. We have one body in this life, and it is an honor to help you carry it in a way that feels right for you.

Dr. Jxxn Montenegro (they/she)(formerly Dr. Jackson)